Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!!

I dressed the poodle up in his favorite Halloween costumes today and took these hilarious photos of him because I thought it would make you all chuckle a bit.  Binky was more than a good sport about it.  He sat through the whole thing and gladly modeled the costumes for me on my command.  (This is what happens when you don't drink or go to bars and you stay home on Halloween!!!) LOL

Anyways, I think he looks hilarious. Happy Halloween to you all!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cats @ Plage des Chevaliers, Anglet.

Ok, I know what you're thinking. These aren't dogs!   Well, they were so cute, I thought I'd put their faces up anyways.  According to some woman I met that was hanging out with the cats, these felines are free agents, as in they don't have homes. But people come to feed them regularly, and they are quite friendly until they've realized you have no food to give them.   ha ha

Sushi de Biarritz

Ah, the lovely little Sushi.  She lives in France and helps operate a charming B&B in Biarritz.  She loves to nap, mostly!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Wap Wap! Les Chiens de Paris

Paris is an amazing city. The people are beautiful, the food is delicious, the buildings are incredible, but still one of my favourite things here are the dogs. Go figure!!

I used to blog about fashion, and being here makes me want to take photos of all the beautifully dressed people I see, but my shyness always prevents me from approaching individuals to ask them if they mind me taking a photo of them. I don't however have this problem with dogs. They never turn me down or give me strange looks. Even the dog owners are always more than happy to let me photograph their lovely pooches.

So here are a few photos I took today of some lovely doggies I ran into while walking around the city.

The last photo, however, is just for laughs. I saw that "sexy" dog in a store window of a lingerie shop. I thought I'd throw it in here.

These two dogs are friends. I spotted them at a cafe, hanging out with their human companions.

This cute little dog lives on the streets of Montmartre along with her friendly human companion.  She was sweet and would not sit still for the camera. She preferred being snuggled!

This fellow was sitting outside of a convenience store, waiting for his mommy.  He was a bit camera shy and would not look directly at the camera.  

And finally, Sexy dog. A dog mannequin in the front window of a fetish lingerie shop.  I don't get it, but I thought it was hilarious.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Crazy cakes

Here are some photos I took this morning of my lovely poodle.  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Friendly beach dog I met today

I drove to my favourite beach this afternoon and brought my camera along in case I found anything interesting to photograph. When I arrived, I saw these two dogs playing and wrestling themselves to the ground. I wanted to take their photo because they just looked so happy (as all beach dogs do).  As I walked out onto the sand this spotted dog approached me. He was really friendly and calm.  I didn't even have to coax him, he immediately sat down  and stayed their patiently as I snapped away at him.
It started raining shortly after, so my photographing was cut short, unfortunately. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This is Zuki. She hangs out in a jewellery studio all day and makes everyone smile.  What a sweet dog! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


This is Chiquintin, a French poodle that I see almost every morning during my walk. He is really cute, but has a small problem: He likes  to pee on people's legs!  It's strange but kind of funny.

Nap time

My poodle taking a nap on a pile of cushions.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Run Rocky, Run!

I love Rocky.  He's a real ray of sunshine in  the morning and such a happy dog!  When he sees me walking, he starts bolting towards me with excitement.  I always spend a couple of minutes giving him some snuggles.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More Sanatorio Duran Doggies

Here are some other dogs I saw at the Sanatorio Duran in Cartago. There are some UNAP workers that live on the grounds, so I am assuming these are their dogs.
The dog in the front looks like a street dog, with the way he is tucked under his blanket. 
Looks like they all have the easy life!!! 

Sanatorium Dog

This dog  lives at the old Sanatorium Duran in Cartago. I took this photo during my last visit there.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Here's my poodle, lounging around and looking cute as usual. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Nothing makes a dog happier than running free on the beach!