Monday, February 13, 2012

A poodle and his sweaters.

I finished a new sweater last week (the second one in orange) which I named Pumpkin Patch, well simply because it reminds me of a pumpkin.  I needed some photos for my website and so I put Binky to work!  I think he likes his new job of being my product model because he's so good at it!

If you are interested in any of my custom made sweaters, please visit my website at

Mr Chihuahua

I happened to meet this really sweet and tiny chihuahua the other day while having some lunch.  I couldn't resist but to photograph his cute little teeny tiny face!! It wasnt' as easy as it seems because he wouldn't sit still for even a second! 

In his little man's shirt!

Sparrow looks like such a little man in his Adolfo Dominguez plaid shirt!